Sunday, July 25, 2010

eat food. not too much. mostly plants.


parsley puree

shallot / riesling base

tomato & clam

avocado/cucumber/spinach salad
seedy bread to soak up potato & wine juice


goodbye, vegetarianism

when I was alive, I aimed to be a student not of longing but of light.

boston is pretty cool

it's got MIT

& kitschy restaurants

that some people I lv would lv

it also has this guy
(trying to mock his fox in boots)

which leads to his fox finding good boots

& his own journey to jumbo

which, of course, isn't better than yeti's best

for a.

bird bath

This is puritanism, not eros.









Thursday, July 22, 2010

breathe just what breath has no place for

the whole of Boston is a redemption center


this thing makes books when you ask nicely


b. has theses in herd

for a. & k.



of the sea

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A man's interest in a single bluebird is worth more than a complete _____________

for st.

church & leap parking

for nathan

on walden pond

b. gets fresh with everyone

yr a.m.g. just wants to be madly loved

h.d.t. collects rocks too
(yr a.m.g. can neither confirm nor deny collecting rocks from h.d.t.)


the sun

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

We have / always been // a whaling / village. The temple / / is for the / whale fetuses.

all in my ID



baby coats

they believed on him

we got lost

& found hemingway

poured a lil out for our hommie

a nice hike

yr root is my rock

hid from kids

g. on rock

view from up top
